About Us
Our Mission
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is the leading regional advocate for the economic and civic interests of the Hispanic business community.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce serves as a catalyst for business opportunity and growth by:
- Creating business opportunities for its members and corporate partners through its strong network of local, national, and international partnerships.
- Organizing and sponsoring a wide array of programming - educational seminars, networking events, business-centric educational panels, and much more.
- Identifying new and existing business opportunities and introducing members to new sources of business and commerce.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is the leading advocate for Hispanic business and civic interests in the Greater Houston area. Through its issue advocacy, its media platforms with an audience reach of more than 3 million people, and its robust membership network, the Chamber is the leading united voice for its members and all of Hispanic Houston.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has developed and fostered strategic partnerships that often result in innovative public policy, stronger community relationships, and countless economic opportunities for its members. Chamber membership is comprised of a wide array of entrepreneurs, executives, small businesses, and Fortune 500 firms.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce executes its Strategic Vision through a series of initiatives, communication channels, and impactful community and corporate partnerships. These initiatives allow the Chamber to “sit at the table” where the conversations that impact the Hispanic community are had, and have its voice heard as a steadfast representative of the local Hispanic community.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has an active Board of Directors, a professional staff led by a President & CEO, and a robust volunteer infrastructure – all of which help chart the course for the future of the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce acts as an effective business resource by:
- Creating local, national and international business opportunities for newcomers and members.
- Organizing and sponsoring educational seminars and networking events such as membership orientations and breakfast meetings.
- Developing dialogue with elected officials and corporations to advocate on behalf of our members.
- Serving as mentors to Hispanic professionals and business owners.
- Referring members to the proper sources of business and information.
HHCC Board
Roberto Contreras IV
Managing Director
DC Partners/Houston EB5
Scott Silvas
Past Chair
Texas Market President - Middle Market Banking
Fifth Third Bank
Carlos Abello
Chief Executive Officer
Vedado Capital LLC
Jose Espinel
Senior Vice President
Comcast Business
Morena Arredondo
Sr. Project Manager
Jesika Silva Blanco
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Heidi Obie
Vice President, Texas Region
Erika Alvarez
Executive Assistant
Leticia Lopez
Director, Corporate Stewardship
Arturo Pedraza
Chief Financial Officer
Deidra Taylor
Special Events Coordinator